December 17, 2020

What Does Quality Child Care Look Like?

Choosing and getting ready for an early childhood education and care service can be an exciting and overwhelming time for you and your child, yet alone considering what quality child care looks like. There are so many options out there. So, the earlier you start preparing, the better.

As a parent its a good idea to start thinking about these options before you need it. At Bumblebee we understand that every family is looking for something different and that quality means different things to different people.

Research shows quality early education and care leads to better health, education and employment outcomes later in life. So, it’s really important for you to know if the child care service your child will be attending provides quality experiences that will cater for your child’s overall growth and development.

At Bumblebee we believe high quality child care looks like:

  • Educators being involved and speaking to families about their child’s development at all stages
  • Providing child interest experiences for children to explore and learn from
  • Joint partnerships with families
  • There is a focus on health and safety within the program
  • Children showing a strong sense of belonging and feeling safe and secure at our centre
  • Children’s learning is play based and there is variety
  • Educators listening and including the children’s voices in the programs
  • There are opportunities for the children to learn about the wider community
  • The children being exposed to diversity

Starting Blocks a government resource helps families to gauge a child care service when visiting. At Bumblebee we  cover the following  questions, if if you would like to know more head over to

  • How will you let me know what happens during my child’s day/week ?
  • What is the daily routine and activities’?
  • Are there opportunities for the children to play outside and learn about the environment?
  • How are the children’s interests included in the program?
  • How do you deal with sickness and accidents?
  • Has your service been assessed under the National Quality Framework?

If you would like to know more about how we are Bumblebee Early Education and care can provide quality child care for you and your family please go to our website and book a tour today!

What quality child care looks like

Bumblebee Early Education Centre

What’s happening at Bumblebee?